DDGS Proticorn
Vanden Avenne Commodities markets DDGS (Distiller’s Dried Grains with Solubles), a by-product of the bio-ethanol industry, specifically from Alco Bio Fuel (ABF Ghent) and Alco Energy Rotterdam (AER).

DDGS Proticorn® is the product name of the DDGS that we trade. DDGS Proticorn® is a unique end product with a unique recipe: the concentration of proteins is around three times higher than in the basic product, maize, and contains 28% protein. DDGS Proticorn® is sold both as meal and in pellet form. It is purchased by the animal feed industry, for use in feed for beef and dairy cattle, pigs and poultry.

DDGS Proticorn is a non-GMO & antibiotics free feed ingredient. Both production sites Alco Bio Fuel (Ghent) and Alco Energy (Rotterdam) are GMP+ MI105 GMO Controlled certified. Only European certified non-GMO corn, non-GMO yeast and non-GMO enzymes are used in the production process. No antibiotics are used in any stage of production.
Future Proof

The production process of DDGS Proticorn is built around sustainability: a CHP unit on natural gas which generates efficiently its own electricity and steam, the use of proven sustainability cultivated European non-GMO corn (ISCC certified) and best practice latest available technology for CO2 capture during fermentation. This makes our DDGS Proticorn a sustainable protein source.
Consistent quality

Strict criteria are maintained when supplying corn. The comprehensive pre shipment crop monitoring & GMP quality system in place ensures thorough analysis. Samples of DDGS Proticorn are checked on a daily basis by independent accredited laboratories. This allows us to closely monitor the quality of DDGS Proticorn and to communicate a transparent quality overview towards our customers. Our track record shows that DDGS Proticorn is and has been a safe & consistent ingredient to use in your compound feed for over years.
nutritional profile

DDGS Proticorn is a protein & fat rich vegetable raw material with superb digestibility characteristics. It has a well-balanced minerals & phosphor profile with low ash content. Studies show a consistent reliable amino acid & fibre digestibility. This feed ingredient is used in compound feed for different livestock (such as poultry, pigs, beef and dairy cattle) where a positive influence on feed intake, good performance in body weight gain and satisfying feed conversion ratios have been observed.
Regional production

Alco Bio Fuel & Alco Energy have proven to be reliable production units which produce a steady flow of DDGS Proticorn. It is a regional feed ingredient: European production using European raw materials, less emission impact due to shorter nearby logistics. The experienced team of Vanden Avenne Commodities is always available for commercial enquiries, optimized logistic solutions & full customer support.